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Ladies Get Into Golf

A friendly and relaxed environment to help “beginners and returners” into the game.


The “Ladies get into Golf” initiative represents an involved approach to fostering gender balance and inclusivity within the golfing community. At its core, this programme seeks to address various aspects of the golf industry to create a more welcoming and equitable environment for women, girls, and families.

With a strong emphasis on increasing the participation of women and girls in golf, the initiative advocates for proactive measures aimed at removing barriers to entry and enhancing accessibility. This includes initiatives such as providing opportunities for women to connect with experienced professionals and receive lessons, thereby alleviating the self-doubt that may hinder newcomers to the sport.

Furthermore, the “Ladies get into Golf” initiative prioritizes the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women across all levels of the golf industry. By supporting measures that promote gender diversity in leadership roles and provide pathways for career progression, the initiative aims to create a more inclusive and representative ratio within the golfing community.

Central to the success of the programme is the creation of an inclusive environment that celebrates and embraces the contributions of women and girls within golf. By fostering a culture of respect, support, and collaboration, the initiative aims to empower women to fully participate and excel in all aspects of the sport.

One of the key components of the “Ladies get into Golf” initiative is the facilitation of connections between women interested in entering the sport and experienced professionals. Through this scheme, women can easily access resources and guidance to help them navigate their journey in golf, from learning the basics to refining their skills and techniques.

By providing a platform for women to engage with the sport and connect with like-minded individuals, the “Ladies get into Golf” initiative aims to create a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates the diversity of its members. Through collective action and collaboration, seeks to inspire and empower women to pursue their passion for golf and unlock their full potential within the sport.

The Club PGA professionals offer weekly group golf lessons

Join in and learn to play golf with like minded ladies

All equipment supplied

For more information contact